From Vision to Reality: How to Develop an Action Plan from SMART Goals

Investors can develop an effective action plan that turns their vision into reality based on SMART goals

From Vision to Reality: 
How to Develop an Action Plan from SMART Goals

Turning a vision into reality requires more than just setting goals. It requires a structured action plan that outlines the necessary steps for execution. Developing an actionable plan from SMART goals provides a roadmap for success.  

Once you can envision your desired existence and set goals to get to that place, you're ready to create the tangible actions needed to bring your vision and goals to life. 

By breaking your SMART goals into bite-size pieces (an Action Plan), you end up with a roadmap and clear directions that are easily broken down into day to day tasks to accomplish your goals.

Vision and Goals Provide Your Guiding Light

Breaking it Down into Actionable Steps

Breaking down goals into smaller, manageable tasks is crucial for execution. Analyze your goals and identify specific strategies and action steps required to achieve them. By breaking them down, you create a roadmap that guides your actions and keeps you on track.

Here's an example...

SMART Goal: Acquire two single family homes as long-term rentals by September 1, 2024.

Action (this is only one example - write several that are do-able in your timeframe): Using networking events and social media, develop a list of wholesalers who acquire homes in my desired acquisition area.

Day-to-Day tasks:  Break your action step into tasks you can put on your schedule such as attending specific events, or connecting with a certain number of wholesalers through facebook or other social media sites.

Prioritize and Sequence Action Steps

 To ensure efficient progress, prioritize your action steps based on urgency and importance.  Consider the logical sequence in which these steps should be executed. Pay attention to potential bottlenecks to create a realistic and effective plan.

Assign Responsibilities and Deadlines 

Accountability is key to successful execution. Assign responsibilities to individuals or teams, ensuring clear ownership of each action step. Set realistic deadlines for completion, providing a sense of urgency and a way to stay on top of progress.

Are you a one-person show?  Consider forming or joining a mastermind group where you can brainstorm with others and be accountable to a team of like-minded colleagues.

Create a Timeline or Project Schedule

Visualizing your action plan through a timeline or project schedule enhances clarity and helps track progress. Utilize tools like Gantt charts or project management software to create a visual representation of your plan. Regularly monitor and adjust the timeline as needed.

Overcoming Challenges and Obstacles:  Don't abandon.  Revise! 

Expect and embrace challenges along the way. Identify potential obstacles and develop strategies to overcome them. Maintain motivation by viewing challenges as opportunities for growth and improvement.

Review and evaluate your action plan. Track progress, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary adjustments. Flexibility and adaptability are key to keeping your plan relevant and effective.

By following a few basic steps, you can bridge the gap between your aspirations and the actions needed to achieve them.   Have several dreams and goals?  Rinse and repeat by using the same process with each one.  Remember, a well-crafted action plan is the roadmap that guides your journey toward success. Embrace the process, stay committed, and watch as your vision becomes a tangible reality.

Want more ideas and support for reaching your goals and living the life of your dreams?

Check out our website at:

I've been supporting investors and others in living their best lives through goal-setting/action-planning retreats and mastermind groups for over forty years.

Please get in touch if you'd like to know more or would like to register for a mastermind group:

Katy Fleming
720-890-1119 (office landline)
303-552-7985 (mobile)

Categories: Goal setting and Action Plans, Real Estate Investment Strategies, Real Estate Masterminds, SMART Goals