From Self-Doubt to Confidence: Six Steps to Conquer Limiting Beliefs and Accomplish Remarkable Goals

Real estate investors can take clear steps to overcome self-doubt, build confidence, and accomplish remarkable goals.

Our inner voices have incredible power to shape our self-perception and impact our ability to reach our full potential.   By understanding the origins of these inner voices, recognizing limiting beliefs, and cultivating self-compassion, we can reclaim our power, redefine our self-perception and conquer the messages that have impacted us over a lifetime.  Here are some steps to consider.

Step 1.  Start by simply recognizing the messages we heard from others and internalized over time.   These may have been a combination of positive and negative messages that were part of our childhood experiences, societal expectations, and

past traumas. By identifying the messages we heard, we can better understand their origins, and gain insight into their impact on our thoughts and behaviors.  Awareness is the first step toward challenging and conquering  limiting beliefs.

Step 2.   Talk with others about the messages you internalized.  Share your experiences and messages with one person or even in a group of friends or accountability group such as a Mastermind.  Unless we identify, discuss and process the subconcious patterns and messages in our heads about our worthiness and ability to succeed, or consider how our own beliefs and values impact our decisions, it will be challenging to create real change. 

Step 3.  Notice your patterns of self-talk

Do you find that you beat yourself up over the smallest things?  Or do you give yourself permission to learn from mistakes and view each obstacle as an opportunity to learn?  When you fall a little short, instead of saying to yourself, "I'm so stupid," get into the practice of replacing that with something like, "That was so unlike me." 

Practice gratefulness that you just had a learning experience. For ways to empower

yourself and propel your success through the practice of gratefulness, check out the blogpost, Empowered by Gratitude: Five Ways Gratefulness Propels Your Success

Step 4.  Challenge the validity and accuracy of negative self-talk 

Ask yourself if the statement is really true. By questioning their accuracy and gathering evidence to counter them, we can reframe negative messages and replace them with empowering statements.  Practicing self-care, mindfulness, and self-acceptance helps us develop resilience and counteract the impact of negative messages.

Step 5. Acknowledge your achievements, strengths, and worthiness by writing them down in a journal or in whatever form works for you. Affirmations further reinforce empowering beliefs and counteract negative self-talk. Journaling, self-care, and seeking ongoing support help us maintain progress and overcome challenges along the way.

Step 6. Surround yourself with a support network of individuals who uplift and encourage you. By surrounding ourselves with positive and supportive relationships, we counteract the negative self-talk and limiting beliefs that may have been perpetuated by others.  

Whether that's with one friend, a group of friends, colleagues or an accountability group such as a mastermind, having others have our backs is crucial when self-doubt creeps in.

Give yourself a little love...

We all live somewhere on a continuum where the strength of our internal voice and the power of both positive and negative messages range from average to very strong. It’s key to understand where you live on that continuum and how you got there. With some tools and a little help from your friends, you can confront those voices and discover that you have incredible strength to talk back and change the messages that have an impact on your goals and plans into powerfully positive allies.

Remember, you have the ability to shape your own narrative and live a life aligned with your true potential.

Want more information and support for your dreams?

For more ideas and support for reaching your goals, find out how including a Mastermind Program in your toolbox will help empower you to achieve the life of your dreams.

Katy Fleming, Director can be reached by email at